Friday, May 27, 2005

An Awesome God -- Daily "Lessons on Living" Christian Devotional

Read this today in my devotions and reflected on some songs to help in this. Just follow the links :-)

"If you are feeling overawed by earthly things, take time out to worship God. Don't come to Him with your typical inventory of things you want or need. Leave behind your list of prayer requests for others. Instead, come before Him to seek His face alone. Ask Him to reveal Himself to you as He really is—and be prepared to be awed.

God is not just filled with some awe; He is awesome."

Friday, May 20, 2005

Fear God now and you won't have to fear God later.

The Fear of God -- Daily "Lessons on Living" Christian Devotional: "Fear God now and you won't have to fear God later."

I read this today in my Quiet Time and wanted to reflect on the Fear of God in church. Many contemporary church services are criticized as being flippant and irreverent, compared to the solemnity of "old fashioned" services. Is this a fair criticism? Even my own at Dapto Anglican is upbeat, and frankly, it's fun!

Fun services like mine emphasize that God is approachable. Jesus is our friend. He understands us and knows us and we can boldly and confidently enter his presence. This is His promise to us. Yet Paul in his letter to the Corinthians warns us not to partake of the Lord's Supper in an unworthy manner.

So how do we both fear God and come confidently into His presence, knowing He loves and cares for us, even in our weakness? I guess the best analogy is human friendship. A true friend acceptes our weaknesses and failings, and expresses support and understanding. But even a "best friend" if they are truly our friend, will not tolerate us taking them for granted and abusing them. They will warn us, encourage us, challenge us, and help us to change.

That's why even fun services need a place for us to confess our sins, repent, and to express our desire and willingness to follow him. We need to hear clear teaching from His word that challenges, inspires and encourages us. Does your service have all these elements, or have you forgotten that our best friend wants the best for us?

I have two resources that may help you.

Face to Face is one of my favourite songs of confession, gratitude and intimacy.

The Spiritual Life Assessment is a free tool to help you examine your life before God and start making Godly change in the power of the Spirit.

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Christian Living and Spiritual Self Development

Christian Living and Spiritual Self Development: "70% of people who come to this site tell me they want to improve their spiritual lives. I'm really excited that they want to do that. In fact if you're reading this, you probably want to do it as well. If you're like many of the people I've talked to you've probably been spoon fed clichés until your ears bleed. 'Just pray, let go and let God, spend more time in the Word...' You know the drill.

For some reason the cliché's don't cut it. You're struggling with envy, hurt, anger, pornography, power, or just feel a complete phoney in your Christian life. Maybe you secretly fear you've committed the unforgivable sin, or that you're really going to hell and there's nothing you can do about it.

You're afraid to talk to your minister or Christian friends because you fear they will judge you. Maybe you have talked to them and they did condemn you. That will not happen to you here. I want to lay out for you very briefly the sort of things you need to do to improve your walk with the Lord. God loves you, and wants to change your life. If you are reading this now, it is clear evidence that the Spirit is working in your heart, because you want to change, and I know you can. So let's roll.

Christian Gratitude

It is easy to get depressed over what's wrong with your Christian life. While there's nothing wrong with concern over sin, forgetting God's love is an even greater sin. Before you take inventory of your faults, make sure you start your blessings list. Remembering what God has done in your life, and in Christ is the foundation for real change."

If you'd like real help instead of a guilt trip, read the article and try the free assessment.

Friday, May 06, 2005

A fair go for Disability Support Pensioners

A fair go for Disability Support Pensioners: "Dear John

I’m writing on behalf of all currently disabled people, and for those who will suffer the onslaught of time and ill fortune. I’m asking you to seriously consider the following matters when your party frames legislation affecting us.

I speak from a unique perspective, as an Occupational Therapist with 15 years experience in assessing and assisting people with disabilities. I have also suffered from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome for 12 years, which seriously impairs my ability to work. I am on DSP AND I do work, even though its only 10-15 hours per week.

My job is very interesting. I assess people who are applying for DSP, and frankly while there are some people genuinely trying to rort the system (my estimate is around 5%), the majority are hard-working, civic minded Australians, seeking DSP as a last resort. Many are only applying after being advised to do so by Centrelink.

As you sit and decide our futures I ask you to consider these problems in your plan. If you can resolve these issues I fully support your intentions to help disabled people find meaningful and productive work.

If you'd like to support this campaign - visit the page and sign the petition

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Only the Best -- Daily "Lessons on Living" Christian Devotional

Are you wondering why things are sometimes tough for you, or why your best efforts to change seem to fail? I found this daily devotion to offer an interesting perspective. Satan doesn't need to tempt and attack slack Christians.

Only the Best -- Daily "Lessons on Living" Christian Devotional: "Are you determined to serve God? Then don't be surprised by Satan's attacks. Instead, take up the shield of faith, which is able to quench the Devil's 'fiery darts' (Eph. 6:16). Rejoice that Satan considers you one of God's best, but trust God to take care of you when you become one of his targets.

Satan doesn't target the mediocre; he wants the best."

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Worship Air Guitar

Ken Davis Posted by Hello
Hi all - just thought I'd post a picture of me playing "air guitar". I hope it's good for a laugh!

The Great Musician

Write On Newsletter: "This Month's Theme: Great Musicians
if our first instinct is to ask 'how can we use them', then use them is exactly what we will do...This month we are reprinting one of our most popular articles. Do you want great musicians in your music team? Read on and find out."