Friday, May 06, 2005

A fair go for Disability Support Pensioners

A fair go for Disability Support Pensioners: "Dear John

I’m writing on behalf of all currently disabled people, and for those who will suffer the onslaught of time and ill fortune. I’m asking you to seriously consider the following matters when your party frames legislation affecting us.

I speak from a unique perspective, as an Occupational Therapist with 15 years experience in assessing and assisting people with disabilities. I have also suffered from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome for 12 years, which seriously impairs my ability to work. I am on DSP AND I do work, even though its only 10-15 hours per week.

My job is very interesting. I assess people who are applying for DSP, and frankly while there are some people genuinely trying to rort the system (my estimate is around 5%), the majority are hard-working, civic minded Australians, seeking DSP as a last resort. Many are only applying after being advised to do so by Centrelink.

As you sit and decide our futures I ask you to consider these problems in your plan. If you can resolve these issues I fully support your intentions to help disabled people find meaningful and productive work.

If you'd like to support this campaign - visit the page and sign the petition

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